Sustainability plan


Change has been always considered as an opportunity over our 140 years of history. Tradition and innovation have guided Gavazzi over time and nowadays are still the basis of the sustainability path the company is pursuing through a corporate growth strategy to the benefit of all stakeholders and future generations.


Over the next two years the company will be working at obtaining new certifications testifying the achievement of environmental standards, the reduction of Co2 emissions, efficient use of energy, research and use of sustainable raw materials.


With a forward-looking approach, Gavazzi has always paid great attention to the needs and expectations of all stakeholders; thus, the Company has always cultivated relationships by establishing solid bonds with its employees, suppliers, customers and with the entire community. Through a challenging program of training activities, Gavazzi invests in the growth of its staff& skills to promote business development in line with the market demands.


Through a transparent and committed company management, the development and achievement of the ambitious strategic plan is made possible, generating economic growth, employment and, more widely, social well-being. We will further strengthen our commitment with determination, consistency and authenticity, focusing on creating an increasingly sustainable future.

Future goals and next steps



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Assessment ESG

GRS certification(Global Recycle Standard)

Annual maintenance of Energy Certifications (UNI EN ISO 50001)

EPD certification

Annual maintenance of Quality Certifications (UNI EN ISO 9001)

Certification of Environmental Management (UNI EN ISO 14001)

Certification of gender equality

Energy Management

ESG Traning course

Training course on Cyber Security

Sustainability Report